No copyright intended.
Name: Trent Blade.
Nickname: Lightning, since he’s really good at riding his bike really fast. Beast, for how savage he can be.
Age: 22.
Height: 6’3”
Build: Slim, toned.
Species: Human.
Family: None that he knows of.
Occupation: Whatever pays.
Personality: Dangerous, thrill-seeking, lives on the edge. Reckless, without a single care in the world. Seems to only really be alive when facing the risk of death. Youthful, energetic, but also a complete asshole. Arrogant, with a constant “come at me” attitude. Very passionate about the things he’s interested in. Perhaps the only redeeming factor he has is that once he cares, he cares with all he has. But he’s yet to find someone new to put his all into, be it a mate or a lover. Has absolutely no morals, theft and other such crimes are nature to him. Death, murder, all of that is something he just grew used to, hardened against. He can't bring himself to believe that society is even remotely good, thus he's what most people call an anarchist. When he steals, he only does so from whatever is provided by big corporations, and simply says he's taking back what's his. In many ways, he's a lost soul, an outcast. And there's probably no saving him.
Biography: Growing up orphaned leaves its mark. This man knew no father or mother, or even a figure for either. After living most of his life in an orphanage, figuring everything life threw at him on his own, finding the will to live all by himself, he became a bitter warrior. Life threw so much at him, and each time, he chsoe to stand back up. Sure, he may have been broken a few times, lost a few really close people, but he kept on going. Those rare individuals he had in his life; he knows they would have wanted him to keep going, keep moving forward. Perhaps that was what glued his attention onto his most favourite thing: motorcycles. Every time something is wrong or something brings him down, the open road is his territory. The one other thing that he leans on is music, which he loves from the bottom of his jaded, scarred, cold heart. After earning money from under the table and finding a way to survive on his own, he constantly grew more and more emotionally and socially distant; isolated. He’s alone, and he seems like he wants to keep it that way. But does he really? Or has he forgotten what it was like to have someone who caused your heart to truly beat?
Marital Status: Single.
Sexual orientation: Let’s say… Flexible.
Likes: Bikes, music, technology, art.
Dislikes: Humanity, society, giving up.
Weapons: Whatever he can get his hands on.
Abilities: Other than physical combat, parkour; etc, nothing much really.
Helmet: (hand drawn)