Gods of Order
The Skeleton
The Gods of Order are a group of eleven individual supreme deities, each with their own, unique attributes.
Not all of them are anthropomorphic; in fact, the ones who do resemble humans look very starkly different from them. They cannot be mistaken for mortals, especially with their strange eyes and the fact that they can travel all the planes of existence with the utmost ease.
Each of these gods resides behind a door, or a gate, in the realm of Zakaz, where the doors are arranged every which way in a tubular formation that is consistently, yet incredibly slowly, spinning around an invisible axis.
Moreover, the doors themselves are not static and often blend into the background, fading into the ever-changing, colourful fog that always haunts the perfectly hidden macrocosm. To be able to actually reach that place, one must be escorted by one of the immortals themselves, or at least be able to utilise one of the Zakaz Syskevés.
These Numina preside over various forces and other balancing factors of nature and humanity. They do not observe, do not punish and do not watch over humans; rather, they care for the universe they reside over.
The powers of the gods of order
1. Morphosis; the ability of things, living and otherwise, to take their forms. The god of Morphosis can become anything he wishes.
2. Limbo; the separating realm between Earth and the several worlds of collective mythologies; the pathway to Heaven, Hell, The Underworld, Zakaz, Olympus–anywhere you would like to go. This place has an entire universe of its own, too, called the Backgardens of Limbo.
3. Time. It is number three because it contains Past, Present and Future.
4. Skapakindi; the power of creating worlds, alternate dimensions, and taking care of them; balancing them out, and... Completely destroying them.
5. Nature: A collection of all elements and natural things. No matter where in the world it is, this being controls it. They turn into whatever they please, but have no human form.
6. Supremacy. This is the God of all gods, from Mayan to Greek, and he rules over all of them indirectly. He is the reason divinities even exist.
7. Neizht. Unlike Limbo, this is strictly a gate to the dark afterlife realms. The Greeks' Underworld, Hell, Sheol and even Svartmyrkr, however it has been lost over the ages. Its god is immortal and can go wherever he wishes, in the previously mentioned realms.
8. Forlog; the force of destiny. This Numen is not anthropomorphic, but is a collection of words that come together to shape a body that has four arms; two of them black pythons and the other two hydra necks (yes they grow more if cut off) connected to the torso of a spider, with enormous pincers sticking out of its face, which is coated in 153 (9 multiples of 17) multi-coloured owl eyes. It has enormous deer antlers sticking out the top of its head, protruding from between the maze of optics. Its hindquarter is that of a lion, with a golden horse tail.
9. The power of emotions and what they can produce. Because of this being, art, poetry, music and everything else, which is a result of emotions, exists. Without him, there would be no feelings in the world.
10. Harmony. This being is a sort of invisible atmospheric layer that encompasses the universe, making sure everything remains in equilibrium. It results in the Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Nature.
11. Chaos. This force inspires all kinds of discord, from small, human-sized arguments to the destruction of entire cities. The final entity that puts everything together; without the chaotic bonds of creativity, there would be no balance, no living beings, nothing. The opposite of harmony; it is a balancing factor.
The Realm of Zakaz
This is the realm that houses all the gates that lead to different sub-universes where the powers of each god run rampant and wild. Each world is unlike any other, with its own properties and unique attributes.
The realm itself is similar to an infinite tornado that spirals upwards into the endless distance, without any discernible exit. However, that is very misleading, because if one were to shoot upwards into the murk, they would eventually pass through a translucent, gooey pool that separates but connects the Plane of Oracles to Zakaz.
In the centre is a circular floor made of a sticky black liquid that has so much surface tension, it resembles a solid, but if one steps into any of its weak spots, they'd sink right into it and fight the darkness for centuries, just to get out. All this time they spend there is nothing but seconds in Zakaz.
Surrounding this platform that dips into a bottomless chasm is the previously mentioned tornado-like structure, which is made of magical mists, fog and other gases. Its base colour is grey–white, but it constantly turns purple, green, yellow, red and mixtures of two or more pigments. Embedded into this tubular haze are the gates of Zakaz.
Each one of these doors has its own extraordinary appearance, with a Roman Numeral hovering above it on a black slab with the numbers etched into it in silver. They can only be accessed by the individual Numina, or by someone who has the Eternal Key; the key that unlocks any and all magical doors. The Gods of Order can borrow it from the Oracles sometimes, but only if it was really necessary. It is one of the most powerful objects ever created, so it is very heavily guarded and sheltered.
Lastly, the only access to this location is through magnificent doors that hover in the Timeline of Madness; a sort of wall between Zakaz and the rest of the multiverse. One must overcome obstacles and fight through whatever comes their way until the gates finally deem them worthy and reveal themselves, rising from the ground with the glory it rightfully owns, the healing Silver Waters of Clarity dripping off its edges as the mist of Eternity rolls off of its surface with the whispers of the dead.
And once they have made their grand appearance, they challenge whoever it may be to solve three verbal riddles, five physical riddles and answer three questions honestly, posed by the three terrifying entities only known as The Kritinosea. If the person lies or does not tell the whole truth, they are smote down by the Kritinosea. If they pass, they are then granted access to the Realm of Zakaz, where the only thing they have to do to get a god's attention is call out their name and their door's number.
The Gates of Order
I. A diagonally slashed design of half white, half black. A doorknob that changes form whenever someone touches it.
Nothing extravagant. however, dripping down the front is all kinds of elemental material that falls into the floor, only to resurface from the top, and the cycle continues.
II. White and red double doors made of copper, but painted over so one is red and one is white. In the middle, where skeletal claw shaped doorknobs reside, a line is painted across both gates horizontally, and it bleeds into an invisible floor, forever.
III. Three doors attached to each other. One is plain and grey, one spreads out into a circle than contains all the colours of the rainbow evenly, with a clock face with hands that actually move. The third one is pure white and often releases silvery sparkles in the air.
IV. Instead of a door, it is a wormhole that looks like a miniature galaxy.
V. Two large trees bending over the sides of a slab of marble, their branches stretching out to the ground. Atop those trees hover clouds that often rain, and at the very bottoms of the trees are fires that never climb up and never go out. The door is opened by pushing the slab forward.
VI. Invisible and made of pure mana that has no form.
VII. A black wooden door with a lock in the very centre that displays a beautiful, metallic red rose with a strange key hole that looks like what could only be called a soul. Right above it, in metallic blood red, it says "Roosevelt".
VIII. An entrance that resembles a cell's, made out of strings of black words.
IX. An enormous painting that changes its contents depending on the person looking at it.
X. A monolith statue of the god that inhabits the realm himself, with arms spread to either side, palms open. From the right hand drip pure, white stands of light, and from the left, black sands of shadow. The gates open when the statue's torso is split apart in the middle and even halves extend to the sides.
XI. A sun-like ball of fire, shadows, and things that simply cannot be described, with the occasional scream emitting from it.
The Gods of Order
1. Monokroma Primos
2. Limbo
3. Kai Ora
4. Muliverso Etranla
5. Minesla Nutrua
6. Theos
7. Roosevelt Ora
8. Destio Danrik
9. Felisus Notiema
10. Equilibros Hermonath
11. Ilumnax Refti
The Plane of Oracles
This plane is home to a monolith, castle-like structure of such inconceivable majesty that most humans are stunned and remain in shock for days, unless one of the occupants, the Oracles, use their magic and unfreeze them. They then proceed to feed them certain herbs and plants that give the humans the ability to take in the scenery without going into shock again.
The Oracles are embodiments of all kinds of magic; they are the source of the infinite powers that fuel the entire multiverse with enchantment. There is black magic, white magic, summoning/conjuring and everything else that humans, gods, preternatural beings and everything else does. Without them, none of this would be here. They were the very first beings, bringing all gods to life and teaching them their ways and how they can implement their unique abilities. The rest is, well, this.
And in this realm are all types of magical devices that appear in all mythologies. And, certainly, the Zakaz Syskevés are held there, safe from the greedy hands of mortals. If there ever was a place that contained more riches than one could imagine, this would be it.
The Oracles
With more existences than can be accounted for, the Oracles are, clearly, rather varied. One might expect they have a king or queen, but they are perfectly free spirits who do whatever they wish. As they themselves, in a sense, se the laws of nature, they know how to behave in such a way that does not interfere with the way things are–of course, unless they want to.
These magical creatures are as beautiful as you could picture them to be. They are neither male nor female; rather, they are a third gender that encapsulates all traits of either, but as they do not reproduce, they could very well could be called sexless. They brought sexes to life, without thinking that any animal or other thing might use it to differentiate between extremely similar living beings.
Like large-scale artists, they painted reality, adding breathtaking details, which really brought the multiverse to life.
They are peaceful and never leave their plane of existence unless something immensely urgent calls for it. They stay there, protecting the enchanted devices and watching over the world, making sure it all goes smoothly.
The Oracles are, obviously, more than knowledgeable, and they recorded their information in small colourless spheres that are left to float in peace in one of the biggest rooms in their celestial castle. If someone wishes to learn something, they either simply touch the sphere, swallow it, put it to their forehead, or even smell it. Sometimes, one has to break it open and breathe in what comes out of it.
What happens is that the knowledge is instilled into that individual's mind, and momentarily their whole world stops existing as they enter the imagery the spheres contain. The information they learn never abandons them.
The Zakaz Syskevés
the eternal key
Handcrafted by all of the Oracles, this device is one of the most powerful ever created. It enables its user to open a gash right through time-space to whichever realm they wish to visit. The reason why it is so powerful is that if its temporary owner is strong enough, they could destroy an entire universe–or save it. And if they pleased, they could very well alter it to their liking and make it their own kingdom. Stealing dimensions is forbidden by the First Oracles, and if someone does in fact accomplish such a daunting task, they become a criminal, pursued by the Oracles and anyone else willing to volunteer to capture them.
The reason why the Eternal Key contains an hourglass is that it has a recharge time after four uses. The four compartments in the hourglass show the user how many uses they have left. And once they have used up all of the power storage within it, they must wait four centuries; something like four hours to most gods. Moreover, the user themselves become immune to regular effects of time and feel it was four hours, too.
The only time anyone is permitted to use it is if it is bestowed upon a worthy candidate by the Oracle of Infinity; the one who created the hourglass section of the key.
The device itself is of slightly above average size; it is about 18 cm long and 7 cm at its widest point.
The clock at the top shows two times: the universal time and how long it needs to recharge. The contraption at the end of the chain at the bottom is a watch that displays the time in the realm the person currently inhabits.
The shadow clocks
These devices are a collection of stone-carved tablets for telling time; the first sundials.
One of them is from underneath a pyramid from Ancient Egypt, which was constructed before they built the pyramid atop it. Its base structure still resides beneath it to this day. However, which of the pyramids it was under is not clear.
This sundial is 210 metres (~689 feet) in circumference, just a little smaller than the base of the pyramid it rests beneath.
As it is too enormous to carry, if the person trying to utilise it finds a way to open it, they would reveal an underground room that has a magical replica of it. They can use that one in place of the original; however, the first part is quite difficult to accomplish.
The second sundial is Daedalus's sundial, which was the first one with the more specific times of day.
The third and last sundial belonged to the Babylonians. It was a circle of pure black stone, created by the goddess of the Underworld "Ereshkigal". She placed a Blade of Night in its centre, which made it possible for the Babylonians to know the time at night; it had its own form of illumination but it kept the correct time.
The rose of the immortal kiss
Lastly, a rose that never dies. It was put together by Roosevelt himself; the god of the afterlives, for a lover he once had. He put all the effort he had into it, creating the most beautiful, magnificent flower for the one being he ever felt such strong emotions for. Right before handing it to her, he kissed it, giving it the gift of immortality.
However, as he fell for a mortal princess from the realm of the Back Gardens of Limbo, when she touched the flower, she fell apart into millions of shadowy rose petals, which then sunk into the ground and found their way to the Crossing of the Underworlds; where all of the dark places of death met, and she remains there, to this day, locked in everlasting indecisiveness; unable to go anywhere to finally rest.
When that happened, Roosevelt, enraged and struck with deep grief, angrily tossed the rose to the very pits of Tartarus, where it lays forever... Or will it?
The after-afterlife
This is a place no one would want to enter... Yet it is where everything eventually goes. True, people of different beliefs end up in different afterlives, depending on what they did as mortals, but this is a place that has not been mentioned anywhere, due to the fact that no one... Absolutely no one has ever re-emerged from it.
It is a place of... Nothingness. After a certain amount of time has passed (depending on each world), the dead are taken into this black-hole like dimension where everything is pitch black, with absolutely no source of light. You are not blind here, yet you cannot see. You are not in danger here, yet you could very well end up being in a much, much worse place.
The stomach of a Katapeirum. They are eyeless beasts with mouths that can devour most things much bigger than themselves. They are completely black, with horns protruding from their heads. Their teeth are so sharp, they rip things apart with more ease than is imaginable.
Once in their guts, you will suffer terrible memories of pain from souls they had previously swallowed, while physically being tormented by the digestive acids in their stomach. They slowly melt you away, until your very existence is eternally erased from every single multiverse you might have ever inhabited.
In here, you are alone. You run and run and run the second you hear the hungry whispers of those monsters, just trying to keep yourself safe. You might rest, but there is nothing to lean against. Only cold floors and shadows in every which way.
Human contact is not impossible, but it is highly improbable. If it does happen, they are probably still of absolutely no use to you.
You are all alone.
But the most messed up part is...? Trust me, you do not want to see what's hidden beneath the shadows.
This is the very final stop, the after-afterlife.
Welcome to Svartmyrkr.
Mythos of Lucindamas
The Skeleton
A quite normal world, with humans and other animals, but there are absolutely no gods; no religions, nothing too magical. The only mythological beings here are forces of nature. There are no souls and none of the common beliefs of mortals.
Magic itself is not what you might call 'magic'. It is simply called "The Priroda"; nature. Perhaps unsurprisingly, humans have no clue that any of these things exist.
In this world, the common supernaturals, including vampires, demons and angels, are nonexistent and unheard of. Think of an atheistic world with strange forces that are completely unheard of by any mortal.
There is no afterlife. There are no religious doctrines.
The basic structures
1. The Fate String
2. Dimension of Existence
3. The Pool of Nothingness
4. Sands of Life
5. Tablets of Indifference
6. Abyss of Tales
7. Grandchildren of the Sisters
8. The Void
9. Essences
10. Free Will
11. Wasteland of Animation
Anthropomorphic Forces
1. Death: A pale, skinny man that is seven feet tall, with black hair streaked with gold and eyes with white irises and dark green scleras. He has dominion over the sky, so he can attack using lightning and other weather irregularities, but he needs to recharge before he could use them. During the summer and spring, he is weakened due to the lack of storms, and during winter and autumn, he has a chance to replenish his power sources.
2. The Fate Weaver: A blue-skinned, lizard-like, sexless creature that is only five feet tall. It is very well-built, with darker blue lines all over its skin. It dresses in white clothes lined with gold; a toga that is tied shut with a golden silk belt. It is barefooted and its feet are akin to a dragon's. It has spines along its back, much like a lizard, that are also blue, and its hands are very slim, its fingers actual needles that are completely black, which are attached to a pocket watch for a palm on the left and an open box on the right.
3. The Time Dealer: A person who is in charge of time. He can speed it up, slows it down and whatever else he pleases–unless it defies the laws of nature. In a sense, he is more of an observer than an initiator. Without him, time would stop existing, everything turns into nothing and the world dies. His existence causes ageing, healing, all those other things that seem to require time. He cannot exist without The Fate Weaver. But why is he 'The Time Dealer'? Because he is a maker of deals. He overlooks promises, births, lifespans, etc.
However, he has a slightly darker side to him. Since he's so powerful, he is a sort of being that, if one finds out about him, one can summon him and make a deal with him, in exchange for their Essences. They can have all the time in the world (except literal infinity as they cannot exist along that timeline), extend a moment for however long they wish, slow down ageing and all other kinds of time-related wishes. But, once they die, instead of going to the Pool of Nothingness so their Essences can swim there forever, they dissolve. They are wiped off the Earth, and Time Dealer becomes stronger and gets to experience emotions, memories, playing them over and over again or simply viewing them whenever he wishes. None of the other forces know about his... 'trade', and no one interferes with others' businesses anyway, so he probably won't ever be caught.
He can travel along all types of timelines and stay there if he wishes. He isn't evil or good, he's just slightly against nature. Slightly.
4. The Sorters: Seven sexless nymph-like creatures that resemble androgynous males and females. They represent pride, prejudice, anger, happiness, understanding, wealth and imagination. They keep everything organised, help The Time Dealer in keeping time running smoothly, decide on what families get what babies, and generally just organise people into groups and whatnot. They also help all the other forces.
5. Father Destiny: He is, essentially, a storyteller. He is more powerful than all and decides on major events. He can manipulate people into doing what he thinks is best (or more interesting to him, disregarding the consequences to humans), simply by touching them. He is almost above all other forces. He is gentle and cruel, wise and immature, mad and logical, all the opposites. He 'adds flavour' to life.
6. Nature Sisters: They are four sisters with eight children each. The sisters represent the seasons, while their asexually born offspring take care of each animal group (mammal, reptile, etc) and plant group depending on the season. Their children have children of their own, who are the forces of nature, such as wind, rain, etc. They are not human-like..
Basic Structures
Dimension of Existence: An alternate universe that contains an abundance of the Sands of Life. This is the place that makes things happen; if it did not exist, existence would not be possible.
The Sands of Life: Golden sands that hold a breath of life within them each. The building blocks of The Fate String, they can either decrease or increase, based on the Free Will of mortals.
The Fate String: A dynamic golden thread made of The Sands of Life, susceptible to modification as the being it is connected to makes several decisions, everyday. It moves around like a serpent; curling, stretching out, and if they die, it slowly unravels, bottom to top, finally falling to the ground and into the Abyss of Tales. These strings are fashioned by The Fate Weaver. They are tied to the lives of every mortal and have a general influence on the life of every person.
Wasteland of Animation: The home of The Fate Weaver, a dimension with black sands stretched out across the vastness and a 'sky' that reveals outer space. Right at the top; above it, is a dimensional bond between The Dimension of Existence and this place. The Sands of Life consistently fall from the permeable bond and onto a building where The Fate Weaver forever resides.
This place is shaped like a cylinder with an open ceiling that stretches upwards for miles. However, the sands do not fall through this hole. They cascade around the tubular formation, which is open in the middle with glassless windows. Arranged around the entire places are marble stands that hold up The Tablets of Indifference, where The Fate Weaver meticulously puts together Fate Strings. They are arranged very closely together, but they never touch.
The floors are carved with lines that take the sands from broken strings to the centre, where a small hole awaits. This dip leads to the Abyss of Tales.
Tablets of Indifference: Marble-like slabs that host life but do not intervene with it.
Abyss of Tales: Something that no one can enter, where the Sands of Life are recycled and sent back to The Dimension of Existence. It does not exist in human terms.
The Pool of Nothingness: An enormous, endless hole with an opening that resembles a silver bowl. It is always spinning anticlockwise, however slowly. When people die, their Essences are collected into it by nature; a sort of death gravitation. They fall into the silvery waters and their existence is basically erased, except for in that pool, where everything remains. Not the people themselves, but their memories, contributions, etc. It's a nonexistent existence–very hard to understand. It's in a different dimension and it's located at the end of The Void.
The Void: A point at which the entirety of everything in the universe becomes nothing; the end of the world, something similar to a black hole that cannot be seen by most animals–if not all. It is a collection of nonexistence, so going past it is just about impossible–it erases anything and everything that passes through it.
Free Will: As simple as it sounds, this natural structure is a part of life that simply is. Every single creature has it, unquestionably so.
Essences: They are memories and particles of once-living things. They're impersonal, have no single trait of being a person or human. They're like electrons or quarks, but they contain information from deceased people and other animals. They shrink or enlarge depending on the mortal.
Grandchildren of the Sisters: The very basic forces of nature on Earth and other planets, such as wind, storms, lightning; etc. They are the grandchildren of the Nature Sisters but have no human forms.