Mavro Floksis: A Dark Sorcerer/Circus Performer


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No copyright intended.

Name: Mavro Floksis

Age: 22.

Gender: Male, identifies as Agender.

Personality: Really creepy/spooky, even to his mates. He's actually quite friendly and relaxed to those he considers his friends, but he's always seemingly insane, dark, sarcastic and awfully mean. He enjoys scaring people; it's one of the things that amuse him more than anything. He's quiet but when he does talk, he says something interesting. He's very distracted, has a lot of energy, and he often seems to be looking at things that aren't there. To those who don't know him, he's enigmatic, mysterious and often terrifying (old ladies avoid him...) He has no concern for others and looks out only for himself, but he does not go around hurting strangers for no reason. It's really hard to get him to open up... And most people avoid it, anyway. The only ones who can interact with him without fear are his circus people.

Biography: He ran away to the circus when he was 8, when they were at Helsinki, Finland (his home). Not much else is known about him. He has a cute Finnish accent, but it's not thick. He was always interested in occultism, and tried a spell once or twice to harm his unjust orphanage care-taker. He was banished for being a 'black sorcerer' and managed to get into the circus despite his sorcery and other eccentricities.

Occupation: Circus performer: fire eater-breather, knife/sword swallower and knife thrower.