Trilyn Eld/Revixemol Leonidus


Original: (TBD [discovered])


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Name: Real Name: Trilyn Eld.
Fake Name: Revixemol Leonidus

Nicknames: Rev, Ixemol, Ix. Tri.

Age: Fucking elf age.

Gender: Male.

Orientation: He doesn’t say. But he does seem to like both.

Marital Status: Single (never been in a relationship).

Height: 6’3”.

Build: Slim but well-toned.

Species: Elf (dark).

Rank: Vincere Member.
Family: It’s… Complicated.
Occupation: Basically goes around corrupting the world and trying to gather the deadliest group imaginable to take over all the realms. (Villain? Lol.)
Personality: Due to the task he has to undertake, Trilyn developed a completely new persona. In actuality, he’s a vicious, intimidating being who seeks only chaos–not necessarily what makes him evil–and is far beyond twisted. He is, in short, probably the most purely evil being in all of his home realm. He is prone to bouts of rage and losing himself in such madness, which makes him more lethal than one expects. If he goes on a murderous rampage–to feel that pure glee of a massacre–that’s it for whomever attempted to anger him. Although he isn’t that easy to anger, thanks to his general neutrality towards the world. Boredom is a big reason why he takes serious risks and seems to put himself in danger.

Putting on a new appearance, personality and name, he ventured out of his home to seek out the high elf Eärwen.

His new personality is that of a persuasive, sly, manipulative asshole, however his disregard for anyone else or for consequences stuck with him. He’s darkly playful, in a sense, and his tendencey to be secluded and mad has forced him to learn to pick up at least some manners, although he is still generally harsh and ‘mean’. A perfect liar, smooth under pressure, and handles situations without much fuss. His recklessness and a simple fiery drive to live slipped into this persona from his real self.
Biography: Born and abandoned into Relicta, Trilyn (Revixemol) grew up on his own surrounded by the shadows that whispered to him from every single corner of this mostly isolated realm. In there, the law of the Survival of the Fittest truly permeated throughout the lives of all who even dared to take up the wretched ways one needs to survive in Relicta. From a very young age, he had to become a ruthless killer, feasting on dark beings such as ghouls and others that only worked to corrupt him further. He feels pride in who he is; this being a high elf would definitely outcast as immoral and deserving of death (to ensure the safety of those puny light creatures). He only laughs at what he calls their gullibility and closed-mindedness. So just as they can be prideful, he can see himself as superior to them. Most of his history was killing, surviving, growing more powerful (because he wanted to climb up the food chain), until he stumbled upon another relatively powerful and nearlly equally corrupt individual. He happened to know a group of people much like them both, who then decided to come together and show the world that darkness can and will take over everything they ever loved.
Skills and Abilities: A most efficient, silent killer, a brilliant liar and actor, and can take whatever he wants with either force or ‘smooth talking’.

Association: Vincere


Weapons: In his true form, he can elongate his fingers to become bony claws coated in his tar-like blood. However he can also utilise a ‘slasher’ sword, which Revixemol also uses. He’s a very dirty fighter. However, said sword is unique in a certin way. It is a vessel of sorts, which can contain any form of spirit one might catch and trap in it. Usually, these swords are used through negotiating with a willing participant, but Trilyn being Trilyn, he captured one of the most sinister of beings and put him under the influence of a spell that needs recycling every three months. If he doesn’t recreate it and put the beast under his control, it could shatter his blade or escape, or worse, betray him during combat. Just like everything else he does, his very weapon is troublesome and risky.

Sword: [Thirio]

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Range: Short most of the time, unless he’s utilising mega spells and such. He likes to get close and personal when he tears his enemies to shreds with those claws of his.

Abilities: Obviously enough, somewhat of ‘an evolutionary advantage’, Trilyn is a natural at shadow/darkness/void magic. Another given is death magic, not so much necromancy but a connection to the energies of the dead, which also gives him ancient knowledge and access to realms (quantum) most are unaware of. He mostly mixes those together to attack enemies and defend himself.

Magic: Shadow/darkness/void and death magic.

Element: Shadow/darkness/void & death.
Physical Characteristics
Piercings: Ears.

Tattoos: Torso.

Hair Colour: Original: Unknown. Revixemol: black.

Hair Type: Straight.

Eye Colour: Original: Unknown. Revixemol: Bright aquamarine blue.

Teeth: Sharp like a wolf, however he made them look slightly less so in his new form.

Vulnerabilities: Light magic, certain high elf herbs and incenses.

Birthmarks: None.

Blood Type: ?

Martial Arts: He’s a quick, swift savage killer. Not so much martial arts as it’s simple combat.