

No copyright intended.

No copyright intended.


Name: Laugh.


Nickname: Buzzkill.


Age: Ageless.


Height: 6'8".


Build: Slim.


Species: Reaper.


Rank: Reaper for murderers.


Family: Sorrow.


Occupation: Reaper.


Personality: Despite his name, he's one of the grumpiest and saddest reapers about. At least, he behaves that way, in contrast to his 'brother', Sorrow. He usually makes the darkest jokes and takes most of human history (wars, mainly) as a humorous string of 'unfortunate' events. He still drags Sebian to the reapers' pub and makes him drink souls for fun, though.


Biography: Been a reaper forever. Not much else happened, but he grew up with Sorrow as his brother.


Marital Status: Single.


Sexuality: Bisexual.


Likes: The pub, Sebian, his brother, tragedies.


Dislikes: Happy humans.





Weapons: His scythe, a group of magical ravens trained to kill.


Range: Long.


Mode: Magic.


Abilities: Typical reaper abilities.


Magic: Reaper magic.


Weaknesses: Light.