Appearance: Straight black hair down to his shoulders and to his jaw from the sides, spiked up at the front, grey-purple eyes, skin pale as ice. Long, aquiline nose, high cheekbones, with a thin face due to serious lack of facial tissue along his cheek area.
Name: Sebian
Nickname: Sebby (Sorrow's nickname for him), Seb.
Age: Not affected by time, so is ageless, but has been about since the dawn of time.
Height: 7'3".
Build: Skinny; a little scrawny, as are most reapers.
Species: Reaper.
Rank: Reaper of Suicide.
Family: None.
Occupation: Reaping souls of those who died by committing suicide of any form.
Personality: Quiet and strangely cruel. Socially inept. Very blunt. Finds those who commit suicide to be rather amusing. A little insecure due to actual chemical imbalances in his whole physical makeup. Very isolated, only allowing the twins, Laugh & Sorrow, to spend any time with him. Is always suspicious about others.
Biography: The first reaper ever created by Morte, he's a bit... Off, due to being the very first. The balance was only perfected after the second successful experiment. He's been reaping souls ever since. There really isn't much to say concerning his history.
Marital Status: Single.
Sexuality: N/A.
Likes: Soul drinks, thunderstorms, blood and death.
Dislikes: Humans, most other reapers, idiots.
Weapons: Scythe.
Range: Mid & short.
Mode: Combat & Magic.
Abilities: Basic reaper abilities, flight (wings), necromancy.
Magic: Necromancy.
Weaknesses: Immortal life fountain, Philosopher's Stone.