Satan/Lucifer Morningstar


Original edit. No copyright intended.

Original edit. No copyright intended.


Name: Lucifer Morningstar, Satan, Adversary, Prince of Darkness... Many, many more.


Nickname: Lucy (by very few).


Age: Was about since creation.


Height: 8'4".


Build: Slim, strong.


Species: Demon.


Rank: King of Hell.


Family: Sethos Morningstar, Malicenus Morningstar.


Occupation: King of Hell.


Personality: Always defiant and rebellious, standing up for what he believes in without flinching, come what may. The first adversary, bringer of knowledge to mankind and a firm believer in indulgence. This is the King of Hell, a sly, collected, yet terrifying being. His mere presence sends chills down the spines of even the most powerful, often freezing the weak to their spot just by walking near. He does not demand respect, however he receives it without effort. He does not believe in tyranny, as he faced one and came down kicking. He seems a little mad, and everyone knows not to anger him. He can be pleasant to be about, especially if you happen to be one of the other kings/queens of a layer of Hell.


Biography: Available in more books than one might think.


Marital Status: Single.


Sexuality: He fucks whatever he wants.






Weapons: Magic, and many other weapons that he acquired over the years. There are simply too many.


Range: Short, mid and long range.


Magic: Demonic magic from the time of creation.